Port Chester - News March 4, 2011A Recap Of Last Nights Port Chester Mayoral Forum Hosted By The League Of Women Voters (portchesterroundup.blogspot) League Of Women Voters Forum Was Ba Ba Ba Ba Booooooring ........ Port Chester Residents Looking For Fireworks Were Disappointed Last Night Last Nights's public forum for the Port Chester mayoral candidates brought a few differences between Bart "The Bigot" Didden and Port Chester Mayor Dennis Pilla. Some of the differences were .... The decision on whether to spend another million dollars to appeal the voting rights decision and Bart's perception of the village finances. Overall, incumbent Mayor Dennis Pilla clearly demonstrated progress on everything from code enforcement to corruption-fighting within the ranks, while Republican nominee and Trustee Bart Didden repeatedly tried in vain to put together an argument of "mismanagement." Mayor Dennis Pilla noted the recent upgrade of Port Chester's bond rating to its highest ever, coming despite declining sales and mortgage taxes. A couple times, the candidates were asked what they would do to foster more unity and tolerance among village residents. Extremist TEA Party Lunatic Bart "The Bigot" Didden avoided the question by saying, "The divide is between government and the people." Mayor Dennis Pilla said the community is mainly tolerant but that the board itself had to set a more civil tone, rather than fan the flames. "If you watch the meetings on TV, and I don't mean to disparage, but it's as though they're throwing lighter fluid on a fire that's already partially lit," the Mayor Pilla said. One specific policy difference that I hadn't heard before was on the potential for sharing services with Rye and Rye Brook. Mayor Dennis Pilla said he and the village manager met recently with Rye about sharing code-enforcement functions and fire services. He noted that Rye Brook already pays a fee in return for service from volunteer firefighters. Bart "The Bigot" Didden dismissed the notion that the wealthy, less-racially-diverse neighboring communities wanted any deals with Port Chester. "You think Rye Brook wants a lot to do with Port Chester? Asked Extremist TEA Party Lunatic Bart "The Bigot" Didden. The City of Rye, they don't want us over there. They don't want us in their park, they don't want us on their beach, and we have to maintain our rights and our ability.", Extremist TEA Party Lunatic Bart "The Bigot Didden Continued. Police blotter: Mamaroneck, Port Chester (lohud) Harmon Drive: All four tires were punctured on a vehicle parked in a driveway between 10 p.m. Feb.... ..Port Chester Halstead Avenue : A couple were awakened at 3 a.m. Feb. 26 by a man talking to himself in their bedroom, police said. An ... Comment? Port Chester chief: Electrical malfunction caused Midland Ave. fire (Journal News) PORT CHESTER - The fire that destroyed a three-story building on Midland Avenue was caused by an electrical malfunction and fed by natural gas, the fire chief said Wednesday. School news: Rye, Port Chester (Journal News) PORT CHESTER: Seven students from King Street Elementary, and Port Chester Middle School and High School will participate in the annual Westchester County School Music Association's All-County Band and Orchestra Festivals, to be held at Purchase College, SUNY, March 12-13. The students who will perform are fifth-grader William Brakewood and ... |
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Valerie Simmons Obituary (2024) - Spartanburg, SC - Cremation Society of SC
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