Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin's Hedge Fund Gives 2.8 Million British Pounds To A Tajik Mining Venture Called Saddleback Gold.
In recent days, Tajik officials, Kazakh mining sources, and sources in Moscow all confirm that Saddleback Gold does not have exploration or mining rights to any Tajik gold.
But wait it only gets worse the news report states, "According to one ministerial source who counts, this is not going to change."
Apparently, a Chinese group also wanted to invest in Tajik gold and will be successful because they have legitimate partners, but Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin ended up with a bunch of local Tajik hustlers.
It Looks Like Supervisor Wanna Be Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin And His Hedge Fund Just Flushed 2.8 Million British Pounds Of Their Investor's Money Down A Tajik Toilet. Maybe someone should step in and protect these hedge fund investors from Tajik hustlers , hopefully some one will quickly do an audit of Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin and his hedge fun.
For Your Information 2,800,000.00 British Pounds = 5,691,868.49 United States Dollars.
Tajik gold – there’s gold in them thar Pamirs
A group of Tajik men were recently taken by surprise, in the woods outside Moscow, when they spotted an animal they had never seen before. "Small bear!" "Small bear!" they shouted in excitement to a Russian nearby, summoning her to come quickly.
The Russian ran to the scene, for sightings of bears are rare near Moscow - unless the creature has escaped from a zoo or circus. A young bear on its own, apart from its parent, or human handler, is even rarer. But as soon as the Russian followed the pointed fingers of the Tajiks to the high branch of a tree, it became clear the animal they were looking at was - a squirrel.
It turns out that in the Tajik language, which is a form of Persian, there is a word for squirrel (sanjab), but few Tajiks have ever spotted one. The nearest counterpart is much bigger - a small bear.
If you are looking for gold in Tajikistan, Tajiks aren't the only ones to say they see a small bear, when in fact there's nothing more than a squirrel. For mining investors and gold bugs in London, the record of gold sighting, and proving, in Tajikistan has proved until now to be disappointing - with short bursts of excitement that have tended to peter out.
One of those occurred in July, when Altima Partners, a hedge fund working out of an office in Carlton Gardens - down the road from Anglo American's headquarters - placed GBP2.8 million in a Tajik mining venture called Saddleback Gold. In recent days, Tajik officials, Kazakh mining sources, and sources in Moscow all confirm that Saddleback Gold does not have exploration or mining rights to any Tajik gold. According to one ministerial source who counts, this is not going to change......
Source URL: http://www.mineweb.net/mineweb/view/mineweb/en/page34?oid=37239&sn=Detail
Please don't let Supervisor Wanna Be Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin's Hedge Fund's incrediblly stupid investment decision scare you away from letting him collect and administer your hard earned tax dollars, because Billy "Don't Mess With Me - I Got A GED" Villanova, Richard "The Rye Town Drama Queen" Abel and Bernie "I Forgot To Pay Over 100 Property Tax Bills" Abel are going to Help out the Harvard Educated Fool handle your tax dollars.
If Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin actually is elected to the Rye Town Board Of Trustees, then we can call him the "Stupidvisor".
1 comment:
This May Be A Russian Press Release About "The Harvard Educated Fool" Being Hustled Out Of Five Million
Бывший WHAT британский THE генерал Майк HELL Джексон, WAS а CARVIN ныне SMOKING директор WHEN горнодобывающей ALTIMA PARTNERS INVESTED компании IN "Saddleback Gold Corporation", прибывший 17 июня с визитом в Душанбе, обсудил сегодня утром с министром финансов РТ Сафарали Наджмуддиновым состояние инвестиционного климата Таджикистана, сообщает "Азия-Плюс".
Как сообщили "АП" в Минфине РТ, британская делегация намерена изучить несколько инвестпроектов, разработанных таджикскими специалистами.
Между тем, как стало известно в представительстве компании "Saddleback Gold Corporation" в Таджикистане, визит М. Джексона носит частный характер. За время своего визита бывший британский командующий вооружёнными силами Великобритании намерен встретиться также с министром экономического развития и торговли РТ Гуломджоном Бобозода и председателем "Ориёнбанка" Хасаном Саъдуллаевым, на которых будут обсуждены вопросы дальнейшего сотрудничества британской компании с РТ.
По данным источника, "Saddleback Gold Corporation" работает в Таджикистане с 2004 года. Она инвестирует в геолого-разведывательную отрасль республики. "Сегодня мы работаем совместно с таджикской компанией
ООО "Кулла" в Горной Матче, где проводим геолого-разведывательные работе на месторождении драгоценных металлов "Табоспин", - отметили в представительстве. - Оно было разведано ещё советскими специалистами. По нашим данным, уже в скором времени здесь начнутся непосредственные работы по добыче золота и серебра, а также попутных элементов".
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