You Will Not Read This In The Hopelessly Biased Rag Known As The We$tmore $nooze. But The 1,172 Current Visitors To Port Chester Roundup
Know That...
Which Is An Independent Body that has these outstanding Westchester Citizens
Stephanie Sarnoff, Chair
Milton Hoffman, Vice Chair
Miriam Cohen, Coordinator
LaRuth Gray
Susan Guma
Ruth Hinerfeld
Burton M. Leiser
Robert Peterson
Ernest Prince
Susan Schwarz
Evelyn M. Stock
And Also Has Represenitives From The
Republican Party
Democratic Party
Independence Party
Conservative Party
Working Families Party
This Committee is comprised of community leaders who represent a wide range of public interests and are recognized as being independent and fair minded. Members representing recognized political parties serve ex-officio without vote; they contribute political perspective and experience to the discussion.
"that a Republican Party flyer stating that the 2007 New York State Comptrollers report is a devastating indictment of the corrupt hiring and contracting practices of the Morabito-controlled Rye Town board is unfair as the report does not use the word corrupt."
Finding: UNFAIR
On September 5th The True Blue Conservative and Port Chester Roundup said the same thing.
The single family homeowner's of Port Chester are not stupid they already know that Carvin is being a Parrot for the Vindictive Bernie "I Forgot To Pay Over 100 Property Tax Bills" Abel
All the WESTCHESTER COUNTY FAIR CAMPAIGN PRACTICES COMMITTEE had to do was read this post in the Port Chester Roundup and they would have learned that Joe "The Harvard Educated Fool" Carvin is knowingly lying to the residents of Port Chester.
Here Is The Port Chester Roundup Link From September 5th exposing Bernie Abel and Joe Carvin's lying and unfair campgain practices:
Here is the October 22 link for the WCFCPC:
Call 939-6864 and tell the Vindictive Bernie Abel to cancel your subscription to the hopelessly biased rag known as the We$tmore $nooze